Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ginseng: Panax Ginseng, Eleuthero (Siberian Ginseng) and American Ginseng


(ren shen)

Chinese pharmaceutical name:

radix ginseng

There are three main types of ginseng - Siberian, Panax Ginseng, and American Ginseng (panax quinquefolius) - which all belong to the same botanical family. The medicinal benefits are similar, but all three are looked at here. A native of Russia, China, Korea, and Japan, the ginseng bush grows to approximately three meters (9 ft). The wild American ginseng is native to North America and the Himalayas.

Russian research on Siberian ginseng has shown that its properties increase stamina and resistance to flus and other viruses. Panax ginseng extract has been used to improve athletic performance, and is given to improve virility in men.

Active constituents
Siberian ginseng contains saponins, including eleutherosides A-F, glycans, volatile oil and two acetylenic compounds. Red Panax ginseng has saponin glycosides. North American ginseng includes steroidal saponins.

Parts used

How it works in the body
Siberian ginseng, more stimulating to the body than red panax ginseng extract, helps increase stamina especially when under stress. It supports the adrenal glands, which produce hormones that are responsible for repair and growth. American ginseng is very similar to panax ginseng benefits, but milder. In Chinese terms, Korean panax ginseng is particularly indicated for shock where there is collapse of the qi, or energy. It is also used for shock where there is loss of blood. In lung conditions it is used for wheezing and shortness of breath in exertion brought on by lung qi deficiency. It is used to treat lethargy, lack of appetite, chest and abdominal distension, chronic diarrhea and, in severe cases, prolapse of the stomach, uterus, or rectum. It benefits the heart qi, calms the spirit, and helps palpitations with anxiety, insomnia, forgetfulness, and restlessness.

Panax Ginseng Tea / American Ginseng Tea: Make a decoction of the root and take 100 ml (4 fl oz) twice a day. The ginseng tincture may be taken 2 ml (40 drops) three times a day. Tablets are available commercially, but please carefully follow the instructions given. The Chinese dosage is 1-9 g (1/16 - 1/2 oz).

Because of the high American Ginseng price, the herb is usually decocted separately in small amounts of water in a double boiler.  A piece of the best American ginseng root is worth a good deal of money, and is highly valued in China for its life-enhancing properties. Put 1-9 g (1/16 - 1/2 oz) ginseng in a small amount of water placed over a double boiler. Simmer for an hour, then strain off the liquid.  Add this to liquid from other herbal decoctions, or drink it on its own. The American ginseng roots can be cooked in this way several times to get all the goodness out and to use it efficiently.

- Flus, colds, viral illnesses.
- Emotional and physical stress.
- Panax ginseng for male fertility problems.


Do not take American ginseng extract for longer than four weeks at any one time. Panax Ginseng powder should not be taken by those who are fit and healthy. Do not combine with other energy stimulants, such as coffee or guarana, as this will over-stress the system. Over-use of this herb may cause headaches; stick to the recommended dosage. Do not take during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. Do not give to children under the age of 12. Chinese cautions indicate it should not be taken with high blood pressure. It should only be used with signs of weakness. Over-dosage of wild American Ginseng tea may also cause insomnia and palpitations. The traditional antidote is mung bean soup.

Where can I buy American Ginseng? Where can I buy Panax Ginseng?
You can buy a wide variety of ginseng products at ZooScape.com: -> http://www.zooscape.com/cgi-bin/maitred/GreenCanyon/questc100060

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